Just left our 24 week visit


At our 20 week scan we found out that kidneys had extra fluid in them. Amniotic fluid was normal so they weren't worried, but had us do an additional ultrasound at 24 weeks. Today, they found there is still extra fluid in the kidneys - they also found that baby boy has gone from being in the 50th percentile for growth to the 96th percentile, in the past 4 weeks. My Dr. is sending me to a specialist. I have to wait until Monday to call to set that appointment. I am feeling so discouraged and worried. I have done everything "right" I started taking pre natals well before we got pregnant and haven't missed one since. I drink 4-5 liters of water every day. I have been trying to get enough protein and eat a balanced diet. I haven't had any alcohol. All of the precautions I have taken to make sure my baby is healthy, and I just feel so out of control.