Wants her money back

So back in March me and my friend from work planned a beach trip for July and we paid for it in full already, splitting it down the middle for the week. Well about a month later she decided to just up and quit work with a no show no call. So I was mad because she made my life harder, made the whole place work even harder because we were already short staffed. But she stopped talking to me and never made an effort to text me back or anything.

So she texted me saying she wanted her money back. And at first I was like I dont know when I’ll be able to give you your money back. I’m not gonna be tight on money because you quit your job and need the money. The beach is non refundable and if I gave her the money back, i can’t afford the house alone and would have to cancel the whole trip and I’d be losing so much money.

Would you give the money back or say sorry about it? She still hasn’t got another job and it’s been almost 2 months and is living off mommy and daddy.