even more scared the second time.

Ashley • Wifey, mommy of two boys 4/4/11 & 7/25/18

so when I had my first son, i didn't care i was happy i wasn't nervous or scared. i was 19 when i had him.

i didn't know allot of the things that could happen when your deliver. well now I know and it makes it like 20x's scarier.

also with my second trying to come way early, makes me very nervous. I shouldn't worry about it but going from no one really telling you what could happen or what will happen to knowing, like you have that in the back of your head.

and maybe it's just me lol cause I had an easy pregnancy and delivery with my first son and so far this pregnancy I've had lots of things happen.

so now I think since I had a easy delivery before now I'm gunna have a hard long delivery now.

am I the only one who is like this? also my babies will be 7 1/2 years apart. so that could also play a part Haha!