Is my partner a deadbeat?

Sorry for the long post but I would like the opinions from unbiased people regarding my situation.

I have a 6 month old daughter with my long term partner, (we've been together 9 years) And I feel like our relationship is at breaking point.

For the first week of our daughters life he was amazing. He was very attentive to both of our needs, we would alternate night feeds and he was always willing to pitch in with house work and would happily make feeds and feed DD. Slowly but surely this reduced as he went back to work.

He is self employed so work is sporadic at best but he does contribute financially and pays our rent but I pay for all the rest of the bills ie water rates, gas and electric, internet.

For the past 5 months I could count on one hand the amount of times he has fed DD, he has done no night feeds or settled her during nigh awakenings. He never puts her down for naps or bedtime. He has made maybe 6 bottles and has changed approximately 5 nappies (I have counted, ridiculous I know)

He spends all of his free time refurbishing classic cars and socializing with his friends. He can spend anywhere between 2-6 hours in the garage. On a daily basis he spends maybe 20 minutes of the day with DD. The longest he has looked after her without help or input is 1 hour.

He does no house work now unless specifically asked. And even when I ask he is usually to busy or he "forgets". I have told him he needs to do more and his response is just ask me. I feel like I shouldn't have to ask someone to contribute to raising their child. He has never once had to ask me to do any of these things so why do I have to ask him to?

He says to just ask but he is conveniently never around for me to ask him to do anything. I feel like a house maid not a partner.

I'm not sure if this rift in our relationship can be fixed. If someone doesn't want to change you can't force them to right?