I prayed and guess what happened !!!

Things are getting worse than before !

I just asked God for happiness and healing but after doing that , I got a call that I have to go back to my doctor after getting a Pap smear

test and having abnormal cells ! My world seems like it’s about to be over . I want to live !!!!!! I want to be happy ! I want God to heal my body from fibroids and anything else that’s going wrong with my crevix. I want God to heal my uterus so that I can carry a baby full term . I don’t want to be scared ! I don’t want to have bad energy and feel spiritually drained . I am so tired of crying every day . I pray a lot so I thought God would change my situation but he’s not . I’m trying not to be mad and give up .

I can’t wait to God change me life around .

Until then I will continue to have faith and try to trust the process