Period MIA?


Hey everyone,

So my period is 5 days late, which is abnormal for me. Sometimes my period isn’t exactly on the dot for when it starts but it is generally pretty regular.

I’ve had a really stressful month. My boyfriend and I had some really, really bad fights that just left me feeling completely drained. I’ve also been sick almost the entire month with a fever/sinus infection on and off (started first week of the month, went away for a week, then came back and is almost gone now) and have felt really, really weird. I also had a really rough month with lots of deadlines at work and haven’t been feeling very well mentally.

I took a pregnancy test two days ago just because something seems off this time and it came out negative. I told my boyfriend (and myself) that’d I’d take another in a week if I still didn’t get my period. It was one of the nicer tests, but I’m still really concerned.

I guess my question is, with all the stress of this month, could it be possible that my body isn’t having my period because of how much stress, anxiety and depression I’ve been having? Or is that too much to hope for?