was it a yeast infection?

so basically every few months I'd get a yeast infection, no I didn't go to the doctor's cuz they were yeast like symptom's anyways when I used monistat all the symptoms went away fine.

fast forward months and months I'm completely fine but I find out I'm pregnant, and I get an abscess on my armpit so doctor's give me amoxicillin antibiotics then nearing the end of taking them the same burning and itchy symptoms come back plus some greenish discharge which I heard could mean trichomoniasis but me and my husband only have sex with each other blah blah we're legit together 24/7 cuz we work together and he hates people so he doesn't go out XD we spend everyday video gaming together lol and I call my doctor's to ask if monistat is safe to take while pregnant and they say yes so I take it and it starts working and symptoms start clearing up but then came right back, I already heard that yeast infections during pregnancy are hard to get rid of so I waited a couple days and used another round of monistat and been finished it three days ago and all symptoms are gone, nothing has come back so I don't feel worried, also the discharge isn't green anymore just white or clear. do you guys think I should still go to the clinic?