So confused😱😱😱

Autumn I’ll start back in December. I had a miscarriage on 23 December and after bleeding for what felt like weeks I regulated pretty quickly...until 2 cycles ago. 2 cycles ago AF showed up 7 days early. Kinda bummed cause who wants to deal with her but whatever. So that lasted the typical 6 days for me. Last cycle I started 4 days early. Light bleeding and only 4 days long which is pretty unusual for me. So here we are this month and I’m two days late. I took 3 tests. All came out negative. Around 12 today I went to the bathroom and had some spotting so I thought oh hell she decided to show her face after all right? Wrong. So I put a tampon on...changed it out a few hours later and there was just spotting on I put another one in thinking it would get heavier and not wanting to bleed through my uniform. So I go take out this tampon. It to long ago after5-6 hours and it’s is white as can be. Not a single drop of fucking blood. What the hell is going on. I’m so frustrated. I’m not cramping. I’m not bleeding. I’m not pregnant. Why is my body acting crazy. This has never happened the only time I have ever missed a period is when I found out I was pregnant the first time. I figure if she doesn’t show in another week I’ll take another test.

Also i realized my cervix is really high. Like higher than I have ever felt it. And super hard. It’s strange.

Can anyone relate or have any ideas here 😒🙄😩