
my period is 8 days late. I had some breakthrough bleeding last month a week before I ovulated. I am on bc to treat my endometriosis and to regulate my periods. my periods come pretty regularly on the clock. When i was having break through bleeding my doctor changed my birth control and told me to start taking it asap. there has been hang ups with our insurance and the pharmacy so it hasn't come yet. in the meantime, my husband and i have been careful when we've been intimate and have made sure to wear a condom. I ovulated May 25. my period was due 8 days ago. all my pregnancy tests have come back negative. I'm 20 Dpo. I've been sick to my stomach, headachy, have had an unusual appetite, and have been craving foods I normally don't eat. should I schedule a doctor's appointment and do a blood test? it just worries me because I'm never late and I saw a post on here about a woman who's tests were negative but did and ultrasound and found out she was preggo. plus my obgyn did say that it is still possible to get preggo on bc. and my husband and i have been careful. as far as i know, the condoms never broke or had any defects