To My Future Person

I know you are out there somewhere waiting to stumble into me somehow. I have no way of knowing how we will meet or where, but I know you exist. Because I can almost feel your strong arms around me when I need someone. Because I can almost feel your body next to mine when I’m half asleep. Because I can almost hear your laughter blend with mine while sitting on the floor in the kitchen of an empty apartment eating a five dollar pizza. I have no way of knowing what you will look like or who you will be, but I know you’ll be perfect for me. Because you’ll see the world like I do, or at least understand my caution. Because your ambition to succeed in life will match mine. Because you’ll accept me and love me for who I am without needing to make alterations. I am not your mannequin to play with. I can’t wait to meet you, to come home to you, to cook with you, to take long walks with you, to share my world with you. I have no way of knowing when you’ll appear in my life, but I’ll be patiently waiting until you do. Just don’t take too long, my love.


I wrote this for myself, for the teenage girls who get stood up at prom or abused, for the women who deserve so much more than they allow themselves to believe. Keep your head up, and your heart strong ❤️