navel piercing


hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some advice. I got my belly button pierced a little over 2 weeks ago and this is what it currently looks like

I'm getting really concerned because the puss is a yellowish-green and every morning, the top ball is stuck underneath the skin. I have been cleaning it 3 times a day (with an antiseptic spray, that I have used previously on my other piercings, and salt water). My piercer told me that people often mistake healing for infection and I'm a little put off in going back and asking whether it is actually infected or not. I also have the suspicion that the bar might be too small and that might be causing this problem, but at the end of the day, I'm no expert and hopefully someone here knows a little more than I do. To keep this whole thing short, what I'm really asking is: what should I do?