10 Pounds from Pre Pregnancy Weight

Alicia • Vegetarian, Stoner, 21. I'm not looking to fight, but I will.

When I got pregnant, I weighed 150 pounds. Before leaving the hospital after giving birth to my son 10 months ago, I received my first shot of Depo Provera. I weighed 160 when I got home from the hospital, and over the course of a week or two, I got back down to 150! I used Depo as my form of birth control for 8 months before deciding to change. This was after ballooning up to 180, and on my 5'5 frame, you could definitely see the extra 30 pounds. While the weight gain was not my top reason for switching (mood swings were absolutely terrible), it's something I'm still struggling with.

Yesterday, my mom took me shopping, and I tried on this crop top just for shits and giggles. Well, I fell in love with it. And for the first time ever, I'm wearing a crop top! It doesn't come up very high at all, just a peek of bellybutton, so I think it works great for me.

Ignore my wide birthing hips and thunder thighs 😂

While I'm incredibly proud of my results, 150 is only my first goal. I would like to get down to 130-145 depending on how much muscle mass I develop at the gym. I don't care about numbers so much as my own satisfaction with my body.