A TTC year journey finally over

Jessica • 💍engaged👰🏻🤵🏻💕 College student

My fiancé & I mutually decided to stop trying after we hit the year mark to take a break if we weren’t successful. Today was my last month trying & not only was it going great until I received a false positive on a digital first response. I was happy, he was happy. We both cried out of happiness. It’s not until I realized I would get 3 negative line tests after that digital. All my tests were stark lines, not even a faint line. And being a POAS addict, I then realized it was a false positive. Then I realized after doing some research that First Response digital has been known to give false positives on their digital tests. I am not on any fertility medication. I haven’t done anything different to make tests detect HCG that is not in my body. I am truly upset but it opened my eyes. I wish everyone the best on conceiving! My heart just cannot take it anymore. I’ll be taking a break & bless to all of those who finally got their BFP this month!! 💗 I shall return soon.

**picture of my false positive digital test**