I’m. So. Done.


I am so over being pregnant. I know all of you are too! But being alone with my two kids while my husband is on a work trip makes it all that much more annoying. I’m so tired and uncomfortable, my hips are killing me, I’ve had a gallon of water but my lips are still bleeding, I got flaked on by a friend, I have a major desire to clean and organize, but zero energy or capabilities to do it! I’m 35 weeks today and I seriously cannot wait until July 7th. I will be 37 weeks and I want him out!!!! I know when he comes I will have a whole other list of complaints but I’m ready to be a single person again. I’m tired of having someone else dictate how I feel and act. I want that control back. Sorry for the long vent session but today was rough. I know tomorrow I can’t do half of what I did today but that makes me think it’s going to drag out even longer...I just can’t win! Thanks for listening and hopefully we are all holding these little babies soon!