
Stacey • 27 with a 6 year old and a 2 year old with another on the way(my last) :)

So my first baby, I tried breastfeeding and made it a week with top ups of formula before I realised he was getting more from formula and less from me, and it was hurting so bad, even with a nipple shield. So not knowing too much about it, I just switched to formula. Second baby, I tried again to breastfeed in hospital for 48 hours and couldn’t even make it that long without giving her formula. I gave up nearly straight away, it was just so painful as she sucked. Latching was great, just the painful pulling sensation from the top of my boobs. I tried a breast pump to softly do it, but even that hurt a lot. So once again I had her on formula. I wondering if there is anything that can help with the pain or if it’s just a grin and bare it type thing. I would so love to breastfeed to save money and be able to have a close bond with this baby as it will be my last. I’m currently 16 weeks so I’m really trying to be prepared and ready to do anything possible.