Child support


So i haven’t been with my sons father since my son was a year old, and about two years ago started asking for “child support” every month. Instead of going through court and what not we just have an agreement, 250 every two weeks. $500 a month. And I by no means am on good terms with him... he’s known to be a little bit crazy which is why I left him. He’s done horrible things to me and still despises me for leaving him. I am now with another man and we have a newborn together and him knowing what my ex has done to me makes him wanna bury my ex. Now he doesn’t mind that my ex doesn’t pay all too much, he really just prefers to have as little contact as possible. But my family keeps telling me to bring my ex to court since I always have my son anyways (he’s not interested in making time for him, and if he does pick him up my son always ends up at a family members house) and because I can get closer to a grand potentially for child support monthly.. is it odd that I don’t want to do that? Not only do I know financially it would be pretty rough for him to maintain his current bills/lifestyle paying that much, but I just don’t wanna go to court and do all that kind of stuff.. to be honest the less I see him the better. Everybody keeps telling me I’m crazy after all he’s done but I’m really just not interested.. opinions?