Should I deal with him until he’s gone?

Ok I know I sound like a major scumbag but I really need advice so here goes...

My father has never really been in my life. He got my mom pregnant when she was 21 and he was 29. They were casually dating but interracial relationships were seriously frowned upon during that time, especially where I was born.

My father was also a semi professional boxer who has been in and out of the ring most of his life. He even fought Mike Tyson the year before I was born. But he is (in my opinion) mentally unstable. I’m not sure if it’s been all the blows to the head all of these years or just genetics (his brother is in prison for murder right now).

He can be charismatic and funny and seems nice but I feel like it’s all a show because as soon as he’s angry, he just says whatever the heck he wants with no regard for others.

I didn’t see him until I was 27 years old. He never paid my mother any child support and he never even held me when I was born. My mom eventually married my stepdad and I have his last name. My mom and stepdad went on to have 3 more children together.

I am my biological dads only child. He is married to a very ill woman who probably won’t live much longer. So I’m assuming I will inherit everything he has when he dies. The problem is I’m tired of dealing with him. He’s so needy and bothersome, I really can’t stand his temper tantrums. I don’t love him and he’s really rude to me sometimes. The only reason I deal with him at all is to stay in his will but I don’t know how my longer I can stand him.

All he does is talk poorly about me despite me being nothing but nice to him. He wants to fly me and my husband and our daughter out to the big island for his birthday next month and initially I said yes, but his outbursts and racist comments made me change my mind and I canceled 2 weeks ago. I don’t feel comfortable having a huge bodybuilding man with a bad temper around my one year daughter. No amount of money and gifts is worth her safety.

For my daughters birthday last month he sent like a whole aisle of toys for our daughter through the mail. We didn’t even have room for everything. I told him to stop and he got pissed off (again). He told me he hates having me for a daughter and I should just fuck off forever.

I’m just tired of the mind games and abusive shit. I wish he would just die and I wouldn’t have to deal with him ever again.

What would you do if you were me?