Trying to reach my goals!

Bee • Mommy™️, mother of two, fiancée, Baby 3 due 6/8, its a girl! 💗💗💗

In order from before I was pregnant to just after having my baby, then where I was weight wise for awhile, to when I finally lost weight, and then lastly a picture from last week where I’ve obviously gained the weight back.

I’m currently 180 pounds and 5 foot. I had reached 190 something at the end of my pregnancy, and I was 119 before I got pregnant.

I had a health kick where I was eating good and getting in some exercise and I got down to the 160s and I felt great! Then summer came in full and it’s been way to hot to even leave the house. I can’t take my son on walks in this weather either, it’s just too hot.

But I’m ready to try and get it together and lose weight again. My overall goal would be 125-135 pounds, but none of that matters as long as I FEEL good.

I just need some motivators, you know? I don’t have anyone to help give me that extra push. 😪