It keeps me up at night


He made me bleed to the point it was running down my legs. There was so much blood.

He fucked me from behind, he couldn’t see my face or how uncomfortable I was. I don’t know if that was on purpose or not.

I was so scared, I didn’t have my car, I was alone in his dorm. I didn’t say no.

I think I encouraged him so it could be over as soon as possible. By the end I just pressed my fingernails into the wall so I could have a different pain to distract me. I was on the verge of tears.

When it was over he just handed me a bunch of toilet paper and got the pizza we ordered before. There so much blood I got lightheaded, I cried then. I wanted to go home but I didn’t have my car. So I had to just wait for him, which took another two hours.

I know I should’ve said no or to stop. I don’t know why the words didn’t come out. I guess part of me was afraid that he wouldn’t stop anyway, i was afraid to face it. Part of me was just like “just count until it’s over, distract yourself”.

And I apologized to him for getting blood everywhere.

Im not trying to blame anyone, I know that it works two ways and I should’ve said to stop. I just wanted to write it out, try and compartmentalize it, sometimes it keeps me up thinking about it and how I should’ve handled it.

I know for next time, but I hope there’s never a next time.

If anyone has advice to try to forget what happened I’d really appreciate it