Do i listen to my LC or my pediatrician ??

Bee • FTM 💜 blessed 💜 SAHM Mother to a beautiful baby girl who is the light of my life

I'm really frustrated about feeding my daughter. I'm EBF. She is 16 weeks old and I'm currently feeding her about every 3 hours (she starts to get fussy around 2 hours and 45 min) during the day and she wakes once at night to feed. She sleeps really well at night so that usually leaves her to feed 6 times in 24 hours. My LC said I need to add in 1 or 2 feedings a day, so to feed her every 2 or 2.5 hours to get in an extra feeding. However, my pediatrician says hold off until 3 hours (2.5 hour minimum) to ensure my breasts are full and she gets a full meal each time. She has always been small and is in the 1st percentile for weight, although she is in the 34% for height. Her growth is on a normal curve, she's just small(as I'm not a very big girl either). I have visited my LC many times and she has been gaining 0.67 ounces per day, which hasn't changed since the first month when we had such a hard time getting her to latch and she was only gaining 0.3 oz per day. So I understand both sides. My LC is afraid my supply will drop, but my pediatrician says the full meals will allow her to empty my breasts each time. Anyone have experience with dropped supply? How often did you feed at 3.5-4 months of age ? What do you think I should do ?

(picture because she's just so damn cute)