What did you feel like the day you went into labor?

Tiffany • Zöee’s Momma 👶🏽🌸 Baby #2 due June 5, 2022

FTM My due date is tomorrow and I woke up today feeling a little different. I’ve felt pretty crappy the past week (sleeping a lot, nausea, back aches and stomach pains, false labor 🙄) but today I woke up with more energy than usual (usually i would be begging for a nap right about now) constant dull period like cramps, tons of “lightening crotch”/pressure down there and a few other little symptoms. I lost my mucus plug almost 2 weeks ago I’m 3cm dilated and 50% effaced already... but to get to the point lol...

With June coming to a close I’m sure most of you all have already had your little ones...How did you ladies feel the day you went into labor ? Physically, emotionally, all that I just love hearing other people’s experiences and seeing how they might relate to mine. I really hope this little girl makes an appearance tonight 😭😩