Dear ex bff

I had been feeling like our friendship was v one sided for about 4 years. With my mental health I decide recently to tell u how I felt, and for u to start actually making plans w me instead of I always doing it. Your response made no sense. The first one I brought it up u were understanding and cool about it. Then the rest of the month U ignored me.

When I brought this up, u blew up saying u had to be ur own person? Hunny U can still be u and still have friends. All I asked u was for u to come up with ideas of what we could do instead of me always. That’s it. But then u stated claiming U were too busy? Like what? I never asked u to hang w me more or less so u were just pulling shit out ur ass. We get into one fight in 12 years and u call it quits and say U don’t even care? Well clearly u were never a true friend. U couldn’t handle something being he fault so u tried to make me sound like I was crazy. U said that u couldn’t be friends w me cuz everything u did would hurt my feelings? No. That’s bull. The only thing u did that hurt my feelings was U ignored me for a month out of the blue. That’s not what friends do. So I called u out to talk through it but hr immature 18 year old ass couldn’t handle it. I’m glad we aren’t friends. And I will never want to be friends w u again. Maybe, a v small ass chance if I owned up to everything and u apologized ur ASS off. But I don’t need to put anymore time into this friendship. I did more than my share.

U will never find a good best friend like I was cuz no one in there right mind will put up w ur bs. 1 fight doesn’t = quitting on a relationship. And that’s a lesson you’ll need to learn sooner than later but u won’t. And I pity u. Have fun w that fake bitch that u told me was a “fat cunt” who Ik u can’t stand cuz she bullies u. Soon u will break down and realize u lost someone truly amazing and U fucked up. I just need to get over what a big fat waste of time u were.