body after baby sadness. help me


so I gained 50KGS with my son, I was only 50KGS when I got pregnant. I ate whatever I wanted, I ate all day everyday. before falling pregnant I lived strictly no carbs, I had the most beautiful body my stomach was flat and toned and I just let it all go down the drain which is entirely my fault, I should've eaten better, should've worked out but I didn't. I'm back to my low carb life and as I lose the weight (lost 30KGS so far) I hate myself more and more. I see the way my stomach hangs, I can't even look at myself anymore. How do I cope with the fact that I will never have that body again? how do I stop hating myself for letting myself get that massive. I obviously in no way blame my son for it. I ate.i chose to do that, its on me. I adore my baby and I'd do it again in a heartbeat but I'm only 22, I'm not supposed to be so saggy and disgusting. I had a cesarean so the shelf of skin is pretty gross. I will work out but I know I will never look the same and I'm actually scared to be thin again because of how disgusting the skin is. how do I accept myself? please someone tell me how.