25 weeks && 1cm dilated 😩🤯

Mikea • 29 yr old mother of 6 👦🏾👧🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👶🏽. Breast cancer cure supporter 💞

Sooo Sunday night my blood pressure was higher than usual & I was directed to labor & delivery. (I have a very very high risk pregnancy & have had three miscarriages in the second trimester) (this pregnancy was a twin, lost twin at 15 weeks). Yesterday I called my ob for follow up as directed. Was told to come to the hospital where my dr team is. Got to the hospital & by the time I got there blood pressure was high. Then started having painful contractions 3 minutes apart. Come to find out I had dilated 1 cm 😱 so I was admitted to labor & delivery. Scared is an understatement but no changes today. Still contracting but they aren’t changing my cervix. Now I’m questioning everything. Should I get on the ball & start buying things etc.