Struggling right now so wanted to post something happy


We have been together 6 years and in August married for a year. He wasn’t sure he ever wanted more kids or to be married, he had seen his cousin go through a nasty divorce. I thought I would be okay with no more kids as I had an older daughter that he completely took on as his own but marriage was a problem. I waited patiently with a few impatient moments of course as all of his friends got married. The last one started to really hurt as they had only been together for a year but they knew it’s what they wanted and we were still here in this standstill. His best friend had a baby and when we went to meet him I could tell it was starting to break me. We had talked about it of course but I would never give an ultimatum because I didn’t want to marry someone who felt they HAD to marry me and I wasn’t sure I wanted to be without him if he said no to it all anyway. One night he could see I was struggling with it all and asked me to just be patient with him and I of course got upset because I felt I had

been nothing but patient! I didn’t really say anything back as I was firm in believing if it ever happened I wanted it to be his idea! Fast forward a couple months and he calls me to come catch my horse as I am trimming trees at home, I was a little grouchy as I was working and didn’t want to stop but he wouldn’t take no as an answer. I get over there and he gives me a hug and tells me he loves me, weird as he’s not usually like that.. so I go to catch my horse and she has something around her neck and I feel the ring. I turn around and he is on one knee and asks me to marry him! I bawled like a baby and of course said yes! We got married at our home last summer with my Grandpa officiating. We had a small ceremony and then the reception up in the barn. It was perfect! To top it all off I am now 30 weeks with our little girl, that he wanted to start trying for before we tied the knot but I wanted to do it right this time. I am still just so shocked that this is where we are, that he changed his mind that much for me ❤️

This is one of my favorites ❤️ It was at the end of the night and he was telling a hooked on phonics joke 🤣