Question about anxiety attacks??

Hi there!

Does anyone know if anxiety attacks only happens to those with actual anxiety disorders? Or is it possible not to have an anxiety disorder, but occasionally get an anxiety attack at times when there is more stress in your life?

For a bit of background I’ve never had any sort of anxiety issues that I’ve been aware of, however a year and a half ago my grandma passed away. Shortly after I was on a job that was fairly stressful and I had what I think was an anxiety attack. I’ve had 5 since then and it usually happens at the beginning of a new show (I work in film so sometimes really stressful).

It usually starts as feeling a bit weepy or a bit of crying then suddenly and very quickly my breathing gets really fast and short and I can feel my heart beating crazy fast and I feel like I can’t breath and i get dizzy etc. Shortest one was barely 5 minutes and longest was probably about 20.

Just looking for some insight from people who have more knowledge or experience with this stuff. Is it an anxiety attack? Or does it sound like someone else?