what I wanted to say on Facebook today but didn't because of the consequences I talk about in this very post

Let's talk about something. Would you say I am a kind, moral, loving women? Would you say that I support others? Would you say that you have witnessed me to do good deeds? Would you say I am flawed as most are but that I reflect and improve myself regularly? Would you trust me around your children? Would you allow me into your home or your life in general? Would you trust my word when it is given?

Would you say I am a godly women? 

Would you say I am good person?

Would you expect a testimony from me?

What if instead of a testimony you learned that I was baptisted mormon, that I grew up pentecostal, and then attended a Baptist church as a teenager. What if you learned my husband was raised catholic. And with all that... I am... and take a breath... an atheist.

Would you change your mind about me? 

Maybe you say you wouldn't. Yet, people do, every day. My own family has, co workers have, and peers have. Imagine supporting so many friends and family members in their beliefs but being trusted less for yours or always being aware of their desire to convert you. Imagine having to explain your stance time and time again when you really don't like to debate. Imagine being told, "you'll come around". Imagine your beliefs and opinions either being dismissed or just shut down like you're some kind of evil.

If you don't think atheist are  discriminated against they are. While working a previous job four coworkers found out I was an atheist and for 3 hours I was bombarded with questions and told I couldn't possible have a moral compass without God. I came home devastated by the ignorance that I had experienced and my husband told me "you know if you tell people your atheist this is what you have to be prepared for. It isn't right but it's the world we live in". 

We are all about inclusivity for most things but not truly for religious freedom. Because dont we all know freedom means "free for any one person's personal belief symptom". For any one persons beliefs on a soul, or the consequences of fire and brimstone. 

It's really quite sad that I have to either live in fear and isolation or just stay quite about my beliefs. Meanwhile it's perfectly acceptable and encouraged for a Christian to proclaim their faith and even base laws on it that effect states/our nation. The same states/nation that had a freedom to believe in any or no religion they desire.