Pregnant jealousy


So logically I know I’m just over reacting and that it’s because I’m pregnant and feel ugly rn.

But my husband works with only men and so I hardly ever see him around other women. But today we had a lady come by to buy some stuff I was selling online. And he was just so nice to her and so kind I just wanted to punch him and her in the mouth for just being nice.

And now I’m ignoring him because I don’t want to admit 1. I’m pregnant jealous 2. I’m crazy and 3. Because I’m ocd and need a third.

Maybe it’s just me but I feel so fat, pregnant and unattractive. I feel so bothered by him talking to another woman. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I literally just walked by him and was like “well you were friendly...”

he said “what do you mean” all giggly like he knew I was bothered and he thought it was funny. And that made me even more mad.

Like this pregnancy has got me all fucked up. I just need to put myself in time out and go to bed. -also I think it also doesn’t help that I’m on pelvic/bed rest so I definitely don’t feel sexy.....