I think my boobs are drying up!

My son is only 3 1/2 months old and I breastfed exclusively for about 2 months then brought in some formula for when we are out of the house or so my mom could watch him. I had to use cabbage because I was so engorged. I started drinking a little more often on weekends with my husband and I noticed it would take me a whole day to get back to exclusive breastfeeding. Today I was in tears because I had hardly any milk for him. I even tried pumping during naps for 3 days now and my supply is so low I haven't even gotten through one whole feeding of just breast. I'm taking the fenugreek pills and drinking the mothers milk tea. But the last thing I want is to stop breastfeeding and I feel like I might never get it back up again. 😭😩Any tips, tricks, words of encouragement?