Breastfeeding troubles.


My daughter is two weeks old today. Her diet is breastmilk but from a bottle because when she was born she was so tiny her little mouth couldn't latch on to my nipple. Also her blood sugar was so low that when it came time to feed her the nurses just gave me a bottle of formula and no one really ever worked with me to get her to latch. So I've been pumping every 2-3 hours and bottle feeding her. We've tried latching a few times. She got it once, but she usually gets so frustrated that we have to stop and I just give her a bottle. But now the problem is is that I'm not producing enough breastmilk. It seems to get less and less each day. So my main concern is that maybe I should try to breastfeed her directly from the boob to maybe kick my milk production into gear I guess? but now I'm afraid it's to late and I've ruined our chances to ever grasp latching. Is it to late?