Anyone having issues with LO’s weight gain?


LO is EBF.

LO is 4 months. He weight 7lb 8oz and was born on time. He weighed 9lb 4oz at his 2 month checkup. He now weighs 12lb 4oz and his pediatrician was concerned (not his regular pedi). She said we NEED to start solids...

He is in the 2nd percentile apparently, but last appt I was told that his weight gain is based more on his weight gain over time rather than the percentile he falls within.

My LO does spit up all the time, but it never bothers him. I though reflux was if spitting up burned and bothered them. This pediatrician said it’s when they spit up all the time (doesn’t matter if it doesn’t bother them).

I feel like I’m getting contradicting information.

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