6/23 full birth story


I posted a little when she was born, but here's a better birth story. A completely positive one too. Not a scary one! So Friday 6/22, I did my usual raspberry leaf tea, date bar, walking, pineapple eating but what I added this day was I used the electric pump twice, for 15 minutes. Around 10pm I started feeling period type cramps that kept me up most of the night but around 10 minutes apart. The next morning, I told my husband just to go to work, it was probably just gas AGAIN. Then about an hour later, cramps closer together, 7-8 minutes apart or so, I decided to go to Starbucks, just in case it was my last chance, LOL, seriously 🙈. As I was sitting in the drive thru, I was "white-knuckling" my steering wheel and texted my husband, telling him to come home. I felt bad because he's a welder/machinist and has to drive 30 minutes each way. He gets home, we are about 5-6 minutes apart, and so I call my mom and tell her to bring the watermelon. Cue the Dirty Dancing references, but really, I love melon and hydration was super critical to a great birth. I finally caved, called my doula and had her come over around 11 or so. Maybe noon. I labored all afternoon at around 3-4 minutes apart. Lots of walking, rocking, swaying, watched the Brewers lose to the Cardinals... And I was so grateful the whole time that I was at home, because had I been in a hospital, I probably would've asked for the epidural, but I knew I was SO much stronger than that. It wasn't until around 6:15pm that I knew I couldn't be at home anymore. So i called one of the midwives, she told me to shower and call back at 6:45. She said she figured it was time to go to the birth center, so we got in the car and the ride was the worst part of labor. I was nauseous and for the first time, back pain kicked in. We get there around 7:15pm, they check vitals and listen to baby and she was LOW. I got into the birthing tub, had several strong contractions before I had the urge to push, and with 5 big pushes, she was out. Waters broke as she was coming out, never lost my mucus plug ahead of time, didn't tear at all, and was never poked and prodded at for a cervical check. She came at 8:07pm that Saturday evening, 7lb 5oz healthy as can be and bright eyed because I trusted my body and had her 100% naturally and drug free.

Here we are on day 4, and she's breast feeding and pooping like a champ. Ladies, don't be scared, your body was made to do this. You don't need interventions!!