Birth story


Baby was born this morning which is 3 days early.

Woke at 5am with pains, tried going back to sleep. I woke my partner and said I think baby might be coming.

Was having contractions while I was sat on the toilet as it helped with the pain.

7am I phoned the hospital, I had planned a home birth so the midwives had arrived at 7.45am. I started using gas and air once they arrived.

I went into the bedroom to have baby. Midwife had to pop the sac as she could see baby’s head but waters hadn’t gone.

8.29am baby was born on bedroom floor.

My boyfriend and daughter where in the room the whole time I was pushing which helped me be more relaxed.

We didn’t find out baby’s sex until this morning. The midwife asked me what we had so I could tell my boyfriend. It’s another girl.

Poppy was born at 08.29am weighing 8lb 3oz