I think my husband is going to leave me.

new mom

I'm 24 weeks pregnant. And today got into a huge fight with my husband. He said that I never listen to him or do what he tells me to and he's done with it. He says he deserves better. :'( hearing those words broke my heart and I've been crying ever since. We've been together 6.5 years. Married 2 and now our I'm pregnant with our daughter. She's due in Oct. We drive semis for a living a live in a semi truck it's our job. He's my best friend. My only friend. My everything. My rock. My guide. My partner. I thought he was the love of my life. Today he made me feel like I'm nothing. That I need to just move on and stay away from him. We arrived at a reciever today to deliver a load and the sign said to wait until the lane clears to pull forward. I thought it also meant wait your turn, he on the other hand didn't. He told me to go in. I wanted argue with him, I wanted to explain what I was thinking. But instead said whatever and ended up mubbling some other stuff. I did what he said. I walked in and it was fine. He was right. When I got back in the truck he proceeded to yell and exclaim how he was done with my shit and sick of me always acting like a bitch. I think I might have lost him and I don’t know how it even got to this point. I am pregnant you know I don’t need this stress but in the same token I brought it upon myself I suppose. I’m so lost and idk what to do. I want to fix it but don’t know how. I want to go back to our first year together. It was so perfect. Idk how I let it get to this. We are so opposite him and I. We love opposite things and it’s caused a lot of problems recently. That’s the issue. We think differently. Anyways I’m going to end this rant. I just need some advice and guidance. I love this man with everything I am. I want to be with him until the end of time. Idk how to fix this.