Baby is here!


A week ago today I delivered my sweet little girl Tinsley Rae! I don’t have a super dramatic labor story, it went pretty easily. I was Induced at exactly 41 weeks. Went in at 5, pitocin started at 6.. dr broke my water at 8. Went to 8 cm before I FINALLY caved and got the epidural after the nurse talked me into it because she’s an angel and I’m stubborn. 😂 unfortunately I stopped progressing at 8 for a while. Finally got to 10, started pushing and the contractions stopped. I was super close to needing a c-section but she finally arrived with the help of a vacuum.

My doctor is amazing and him and my fiancé were watching animal planet between pushes so I was able to laugh quite a bit through everything. She arrive 6/20 7lbs 4oz. 19in long.