Clogged ducts/mastitis


So I’ve had mastitis/clogged ducts in my right side for the past week and a half now and finally went to the dr and they did an ultrasound yesterday. Well my nipple is wrecked, started bleeding pretty bad yesterday and has gotten worse. Well this morning I had shooting pains so bad I was screaming and crying. So I went to work on Tylenol 3 w/ codeine just to function. I went to pump after lunch and my right side was giving me mostly blood 🙄 So I finished, went to pour out like 8 oz of bloody milk and this was stuck in the drain 😱😱

I’m pretty sure this was what was clogging me up, but I’m completely freaked out that this came out of my nipple 😵 I don’t even understand how it’s possible. Thank goodness I was drugged up because I cannot imagine the pain if I wasn’t. This has been the toughest experience on my breastfeeding journey so far. The last week and a half has been pure hell for my boob.