The grandparent problem


Sorry this is so long but I'm hoping some of my glow family can help me feel a little better about this. I'm 30 about 7w6d along w my first, my SO is 32, hes had a child before who passed away at a year old.

My mother and I have had a very strained relationship when it comes to "real issues" I have extreme anxiety and most of it stems from our relationship. I'm actually afraid to tell her I'm pregnant, because I believe it'll end in arguments and tears about how im not ready or good enough for my child.

My SO hasn't been in contact with his parents going on 3 years. They refused to attend the funeral of his son and he refuses to reach out to them. He's decided not to tell them at all about our baby.

This is my only source of stress right now and I'd love to fix it... but how?