Rainbow baby team green ♡ *graphic photos*

Ashley • TTC #2 w/ iui. PCOS. 5 babies in heaven 👼👼. 1 handsome Rainbow baby 🌈.

On June 22nd my husband and I got ready for my 39 week appt. I was 39+5. When I got to the hospital my blood pressure was extremely high (I had been teeter tottering gestational hypertension the whole pregnancy) and the Dr noticed my swelling was worse and that my belly was shaped differently. After an ultrasound we found that babies amniotic fluid was low. We decided to do an Induction immediately (I was already in early labor at this point and was dilated to a 2 and effaced).

Babys heart rate was pretty high when we first got to hospital and we had to wait to start anything. They decided to give my cyotec to help bring the baby down before introducing any pitocin.

That was all I needed.

I went from 2cm to 4cm in the course of 4 hours.

Hubby taking a nap while I am in tub

They then gave me a double dose of it and I went from a 4 to a 6 in an hour. The contractions (which I had been handling the pain of via water before hand) started coming one ontop of another.

I no longer could breath  (or felt that way) And was unable to stay focused.

I asked for the epidural and within minutes I was feeling relief. The Dr then broke my water and we waited. I arrived at the hospital at 7pm and by 4:15 am we were ready to push.

My ready for labor face 😂

It took a good 3 hours of pushing, however. Everytime I pushed babys head would start to come but then stop. We did this for 2 hours and finally my Dr came in to assist. She found the babys head was stuck and she ended up manually turning the baby from inside me.

With the next push after that he was almost out. She made me wait though to get NICU because she thought they would have to possibly break babys shoulders. They were scared since baby was so stuck that the shoulders would not come out.

With two great pushes, I pulled my little baby BOY (Surprise gender) out!

Welcome Vincent-Sergio Alexander (6/23/18, 7:07pm, 7lbs 7oz, 18in)