About to lose my freaking mind

Cathryn • Mommy to Izaiah James💙 & Izabella Jane 💖

Y'all..i need tips, advice, help. .all of the above!! My daughter is 2 weeks old, she will be 3 weeks old on Tuesday. So she is exclusively breastfed, & doesn't like pacifiers at all I mean she spits them out pretty much immediately no matter how much I try. So I guess I ate something today that isn't sitting well with her stomach & she's pretty gassy I can feel it, & hear it. I guess she's confused & she thinks she's hungry or what but ALL she wants to do is suck on my boob & I swear to god I'm about to lose my cool cause I have let her nurse until I can't do it anymore, she gets a pain & she rolls my nipple in her mouth & omg it hurts so freaking bad. My nipples are literally raw, just from how much she had nursed TODAY. I don't know what to do you guys I've given her gas drops, bicycle pedaling with her legs, I've massaged her stomach, I've done tummy time, back time, I've burped her ..but all she wants is the boob. I know there's milk in there she's not hungry. If she's not on the boob she's screaming, this just started around 6pm today. I'm crying cause my boobs are KILLING me 😣😣😣