Induction tomorrow (Due date was June 21)


Well, I waited as long as my doctor will let me. I’m 41 weeks today and I was REALLY hoping to go into labor on my own, but we are being induced tomorrow morning at 7.

We were induced with our daughter, who is now two, and all I can remember with her labor was how I felt like I had contractions on top of each other with little time in between. However, my water broke on it’s own and from the start of her induction to her birth, it was only 7 1/2 hours. I’m really hoping it’s even faster this time!

I’m sorry for the long post. I don’t have any questions. I’m just really nervous and wanted to get my thoughts out. Even though I’m super nervous about dealing with the pain again, I’m really excited to find out what baby #2 is and finally meet him/her!!