my MIL is not watching my 6 yr old ANYMORE


my MIL has a tendency to let my daughter stay up all night on YouTube and doesn't monitor what she's watching. just leaves her on the couch with an iPad. so every time she comes back something is wrong. one week it was everything is haunted, another it was dolls coming to life. today topped it. she's watched something glorifying mental illness or some kind of video(s) about possession and suddenly she hears voices but can't understand them and "now I get mad for no reason" but she says it like trying to get a reaction. no more YouTube, no more staying at grandmas and no more being watched by my husband's 19 year old siblings. I know she's worried about the new baby and we are doing what we can to reassure her, spend time with her, pay more attention to her and make memories as well as have been discussing ideas for time with just her. but it's EVERY time she spends the night at my MIL's and in a few days she's back to her self and doesn't bring it up again. today I found out she didn't come home from work, instead she had my husband's sibling watch my daughter until she got home from drinking at her friends, if I had known that was her plan I would've absolutely forbid my daughter going last night. I'm fuming.