
My son is 7 1/2 weeks old and this week I’ve noticed a change in him. He’s only sleeping for about 30 minutes at a time during the day and 2-3 hours at a time at night. He cries A LOT. he’s usually up for about an hour at a time after his 30 minute nap during the day. And then he’ll just randomly start crying for no reason and can be very hard to soothe. We’ve tried gas drops, feeding more frequently, changing asap if there’s a poopy diaper, trying to get him to sleep before he acts tired. Everything. His poops also changed this week from the typical seedy breastfed baby poop so just pure liquid. Still has a lot of soaking wet pee diapers do not worried about dehydration. I’m just out of ideas on what’s going on. No fever. Very happy when he isn’t screaming. I’ve called the pediatrician and they were basically no help. So I’m researching on my own. Normal? Colic? Something else?!