Help! Interviews Make Me Extremely Nervous!

Grace • “Here’s to strong women - May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”

Here’s the thing: I am socially very awkward, and I really don’t mean this in the way a cute little pre teen would saw this, I really mean it. So, it’s no surprise that when I walked in for my very first interview, I was red faced, shaky, leaving long silences between question and answer and tripping over my words. But, I know that if I want a job, this cannot be me in my next interview, or the one after that. So, what do I do? I’ve heard the whole, “fake it to you make it,” but honestly, that just doesn’t work for me.

I prepared for this interview. I really did. I wrote down the most popular questions for this specially company and answered them all in my head, but when I arrived to my interview, they only asked me about two of those questions and instead asked me all of these questions I had no idea how to answer. But, I did. Maybe I didn’t answer in the best ways... but I answered. So, how do I avoid this again? How can I avoid being so obviously scared and actually come up with answers that get me the job in an interview?