Pregnant and feel so alone !! 😔

It’s been hard today is my due date no baby. And me and my husband Idk where we are no more ... and I keep trying to be strong but it’s hard when u don’t even have the one true person u feel knows u the most.. I’m lonely and idk what to do .. I can’t talk to him about it because he’s just gonna say those are my feelings he can’t help that I feel that way... I just feel so hurt and down .. I just wanted my son to come today at lest I’ll feel so type of love or have my mind focused on him.. I just wanna cry and let it out I feel so along and my mind is facing.. he don’t understand how I feel how he make me feel... I don’t feel loved I feel like a place holder. Something easy to get rid of .. I just need someone that understands me at this point this is hard !!