I thank God every single day

It's not an ideal situation but I'm 21 and pregnant for the first time. I wasn't dating the father and he insisted that I abort and then he would consider dating me. Anyways I cut him off after nearly two months of arguing back and forth. I was like ok I'm gonna be a single mom (I don't believe in abortion. that's my opinion! not judging or shaming anyone!) A few weeks later the doctor called to tell me the baby has a condition and won't survive after birth more than A day or two as a result of heart and brain defects. They said I would probably have a still born or miscarry and suggested an induction before I reached five months. The day before I was supposed to be induced I cried and changed my mind. I was about 17/18 weeks at the time. And the very next week I felt my baby move. I almost missed that moment. Here I am currently 27 weeks pregnant with a perfect bump, and a super active baby girl and I'm so thankful for every moment I have with her. She saved my life. I know I won't have her forever but I can't imagine life without her. I'm so thankful. She's a gift from God. Despite her heart issue, she has a strong heart beat and is growing like a normal baby. She's my greatest blessing and fills my heart with so much joy!