I hate breastfeeding


My daughter is 2 weeks old and I already feel like I want to quit. I have had nothing but trouble with breastfeeding. My nipples cracked and bled, one of my nipples has still not healed, I got mastitis. It HURTS like nothing I’ve ever experienced to nurse this baby. I’ve watched countless ideas on proper latching, I’ve seen a consultant and even though I swear she’s latching properly now, it still hurts so much.

The consultant said soreness is normal as the nipple stretches and that I can handle. I can feel the difference in the stretching sensation and the pure excruciating pain from the crack in my nipples.

I want to know if anybody has any advice or tips. I feel like I’ve heard it all but I feel so alone and I don’t want to give up breastfeeding because I know it’s the best thing for my baby.