Birth story!

Brealynn • Married, 25! Baby boy born 6/27/18! Two fur babies 🐶🐱

I was scheduled to be induced Wednesday morning, so Tuesday night I went in and they gave me Cervadil because I was only 1-2cm dilated. At 1am they removed the Cervadil and at 2am they started me on Pitocin. I was at 4cm by 5am and they gave me the epidural. Broke my water at 7am. I was 10 cm by 1pm but still had a lip and Kannon wasn’t low enough for me to start pushing. So I was miserable with contractions. At 3pm they had me try to push to get him to come down lower but it didn’t works so at 3:30 my OB came in and said that I could continue to try and push but he was worried about possibly putting Kannon or myself in distress doing so and I was already exhausted. I agreed to a c-section and from there on everything went very quickly and very smoothly! My sweet boy was born June 27th, at 3:49pm weight 8lbs 11oz and 20in long! Our hearts are so full!!