its 4am and hes not home

I just woke up to go pee of course because I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my nights heavily consist of me waking up to go pee 🤦🏾 Anyways... my boyfriend went out for drinks with his friends, no big deal. The problem is that it is now 4am and he is still not home, nor is he answering his phone. We already discussed 3 was the longest he'd stay out for times where he goes out.... if all you were doing was going to get drinks, you should be able to answer your phone right? I'm definitely not thinking he's out with friends at this point im thinking hes laid up in bed with another women and has now most likely fell asleep. I'm hoping he's not hurt or locked up ( hes an officer, that would be the end of his career) my mind is racing and I could literally be going into labor and this idiot would have not a single fucking clue.

Update: currently 5am, not home, not answering the phone

-he just called me at 5:15, says he was too drunk to drive home, so he pulled over and passed out. I say its a sack of bullshit. I'm beyond pissed and hurt.