A little worried!


Hey everyone! So my husband and I decided to try this month. I just came off birth control so I didn’t expect to to get pregnant this month so Monday when I had to do a pregnancy test for my colonoscopy I wasn’t surprised when it was negative especially considering I was 7 days away from AF. However I did tell my doctor I was trying and he wasn’t concerned. So I went home and took a pregnancy test Thursday just to be sure since I had been feeling off ( sick and breast tenderness) it was negative as well. So I went forward with my colonoscopy yesterday. Where they gave me IV anesthesia. Just a little back ground I have a genetic mutation that puts me at an 80% life time risk of Developing colon cancer so I have to do colonoscopies yearly. If I didn’t have that gene I would have rescheduled my colonoscopy to ensure I wasn’t pregnant but with that risk and having multiple negatives I though I was fine. However I woke up this morning with some extra tests and I figured what the hell I’ll just take one for giggles. Well I was shocked to see this! (Very faint line)

So now I’m a little concerned that I had the procedure yesterday!! What do you guys think? Has anyone had anything similar happen?