Can't Stop Worrying! 😞


In April 2017 we lost our son at 19 weeks. I felt like my water was leaking and went to the ER where they told me I was 5cm dilated and my bag was ruptured and bulging. I had never had contractions or Braxton hicks. There were no signs anything was wrong. They admitted me and I gave birth to my son a day later. I cried and cried and cried. I became depressed. I googled things and went through every thing I did the day my water broke over and over again to try to figure out what went wrong.

Now I'm 17 weeks pregnant and worried and looking things up all the time. My dr isn't convinced it was an incompetent cervix issue last time. They won't prescribe progesterone injections or give me a cerclage. I'm afraid they'll wait until it's too late and nothing can be done. Has anyone ever suffered a loss this way and then went on to have an uneventful pregnancy the next time?